How do I receive CERT training?
Contact the Bonner County Office of Emergency Management at 208-265-8867.
What does CERT training cost?
There are no fees to take the training.
What equipment do I need?
The personal protective equipment consists of a helmet, goggles, mask, gloves, and vest.
This equipment will be loaned to you for the duration of the course.
Is Bonner County CERT a FEMA organization?
To ensure standardization of the training throughout the United States FEMA developed the course materials.
Bonner County CERT is a county-sponsored and managed program answering only to Bonner County.
Am I required to join Bonner County CERT if I take the course?
NO. We encourage people to take the CERT training to benefit themselves, their family, and their neighbors.
What is required if I want to join Bonner County CERT?
Completion of the CERT Basic Course. Completion of FEMA online courses IS-100 and IS-700. Submit an application and background check.
What do I need to take the online FEMA courses?
Register for a SID (student id number with FEMA), then go to the websites for IS-100 and IS-200 and complete the courses.
Once I become a member of Bonner County CERT, do I have further requirements?
To remain an active member of Bonner County CERT, you must attend 7 monthly meetings and perform 20 hours of additional training annually.
How do I get additional training?
- Numerous FEMA independent study courses which are CERT-related.
- Bonner County Emergency Management has an information table at the Bonner County Fair (August) and the Panhandle Preparedness EXPO (October).
- CERT-related training with other volunteer organizations
- American Red Cross
- Bonner County – ARES – Amateur Radio Emergency Services
- Bonner County – CSG – Civil Support Group